


The 希金斯学院 has a long history of fostering research 和 creative achievement that provides opportunities for personal career advancement while enhancing the 国家 profile of Clark arts 和 humanities.

通过我们长期的内部资助计划, 十大网赌平台的教职员工可以获得个人项目的资助, 合作的企业, 以及以课堂为中心的倡议. We have added a new opportunity in celebration of our renaming in fall 2024—competitive seed grants to support a new research initiative or creative project in the arts 和 humanities. We plan to exp和 our funding efforts even further to provide summer fellowships to Clark students.



Major grants are intended to support individual faculty research or creative activity 和 to fund expenses such as research 旅行, 书补助, 材料与设备, 特殊的训练, 发展机遇. Early career (untenured or recently tenured) faculty are particularly encouraged to apply for grants to support summer work 和 other opportunities helpful for career development.

Applications for individual major grants are normally considered only once during the academic year in late fall semester. Faculty may apply for up to $5,000 for a major project in a given academic year grant cycle. 全职教师通常最多有资格获得8美元,000 in Higgins grant support (major grants 和 mini-grants) for their own research, 创造性的工作, 以及任何五年的会议旅行.

Grants are awarded on the recommendation of the Higgins Steering Committee, which is comprised of chairs from each of the five arts 和 humanities departments (or their designated proxies). 希金斯主任开会并进行磋商 依据职权 但不投票.

Grant awards must be spent within one year unless prior arrangements have been made. Recipients may be asked to contribute to 希金斯学院 marketing 和 编程 by presenting on 和/or writing informally about their work-in-progress. 一项巨额奖助金的受奖人将被选为 爱丽丝和米尔顿·希金斯学院研究员. While this honorary recognition carries no extra funding beyond the grant award, it allows for additional opportunities to present work resulting from the grant.



Linking grants are intended to provide initial or matching monies for activities linking humanities departments; creating partnerships between humanities departments 和 departments across the University; creating partnerships between humanities departments 和 local cultural institutions, 包括联合研讨会项目, 研究项目, 展览, 公共项目, 教学活动, 和地区, 国家, 以及国际会议. Grants might also support major initiatives in undergraduate 和 graduate programs in the humanities for course development, 取得图书馆或其他学习资料及设备, 以及本科生和研究生的研究或创造性活动.

Applications for linking grants are normally considered only once during the academic year in late fall semester. Applicants may apply for up to $5,000 for a major project in a given academic year grant cycle. 对连接赠款的支持通常不计入8美元,每五年期限为个人研究拨款5万英镑, 创造性的工作, 会议旅行.

Grants are awarded on the recommendation of the Higgins Steering Committee, which is comprised of chairs from each of the five arts 和 humanities departments (or their designated proxies). 希金斯主任开会并进行磋商 依据职权 但不投票.

Grant awards must be spent within one year unless prior arrangements have been made. Recipients may be asked to contribute to 希金斯学院 marketing 和 编程 by presenting on 和/or writing informally about work related to the linking grant.


The 希金斯学院 offers mini-grants of up to $750 to full- 和 part-time arts 和 humanities faculty at Clark. These funds are intended to cover special or unforeseen expenses 和 opportunities for research, 旅行, 编程, 或教学.

Mini-grant applications are considered on a rolling cycle throughout the academic year—11月15日 1月uary 2月15日,ruary 3月15日,4月15日, 5月15日-并在下个月的第一天发出通知. No applications are considered in December 和 from June through September. Please note that mini-grant funding frequently runs out before the later submission deadlines listed above. Faculty are encouraged to plan ahead 和 to submit early whenever possible. 

Mini-grant decisions are made by the Higgins Director in consultation with members of the Higgins Steering Committee, made up of the Chairs of each of the five arts 和 humanities departments (or their designated proxies).

Grant awards must be spent within one year unless prior arrangements have been made. Recipients may be asked to contribute to 希金斯学院 marketing 和 编程 by presenting on 和/or writing informally about the work or experiences supported by the funding.


In celebration of the newly renamed 爱丽丝·库利·希金斯艺术与人文学院, we will invite applications for a competitive seed grant to support a collaborative research initiative or creative project in the arts or humanities. 以下申请将获优先考虑:

  • 对于将导致更大项目的原型;
  • For projects that demonstrate collaboration across traditional fields of inquiry, 特别是在研究所支持的领域 研究collaboratives;
  • For projects that are poised to apply for further external funding; 和
  • For projects that, when possible, make use of existing Clark infrastructure 和 resources.

申请将于2024年秋季晚些时候开放. 我们将很快提供进一步的资料.


The 希金斯学院 is excited to launch a new fellowship program for Clark arts 和 humanities students during the 2024-25 academic year. Awards of up to $3,000 will be available to support summer research 和 creative projects.

Additional details 和 application instructions will be announced in late fall 2024.



学校的位置 & 小时
  • Dana Commons,二楼

  • 星期一至星期五
    9 a.m. 到下午4点.m.

    Please note that the Institute operates remotely on Monday 和 Friday.